Appointment Setting Script

Hi, It’s (Your Name) here from TruPowur – I’m calling to let you know about the change in Utility costs for your property at (Address).
Just checking to see if anyone from the Utility Company has been in contact with you about ways to reduce what you’re paying for your electricity before the next rate increase goes into effect.

(Continue Regardless of What Customer Says)

So what has happened is (Name of  Utility Company) has changed how they are charging people for their Power which means everyone on the standard rate will be paying more. So there are two options now – continue with the standard rate and take the price increases or switch to the flat rate program for the area and not get hit with the price increases. It doesn’t cost anything extra to switch, but you may not be eligible, my job is just to make sure you’re on the best rate that you are eligible for.

Have you ever checked to see if you’re eligible yet?

(Let them explain, and acknowledge what they have said/rapport building)

This program is very different from previous ones because it’s supported by Government subsidies. All that happens, if you are eligible, is your electricity will come from renewable sources instead of the Power Grid. That’s why it doesn’t cost you anything extra because the Government wants to reward people for switching to Renewables like Solar. If you do get approved, you simply swap over, your upfront solar install costs are covered, and you start saving money from day one. Does that make sense?

(Answer Questions/Objections and do NOT move on until they fully understand.)

I can’t promise you will get approved, but if you do it’s the obvious choice right?

Bill Shock:
How much is your power bill?

Why do you think your power bills are so high? (Let Customer Answer) (Engagement Questions) “Pool? Spa?”, “Always been that high?”, etc…
Historically the power companies raise the price by around 4 – 6% per year – and that adds up! So our job is just to make sure you’re independent of the Utility Company and save money.

Does that make sense?


Pre Qualification:
Perfect! So just to see if you qualify:

  • Are you a homeowner? (If not – switch to the AutoPilot Bill Reduction Service)
  • Is it just you at the property or are you married or have a partner?
  • Do either of you work Full time? Part-Time? Retired?
  • Do you know your credit score?
  • Do you have any recent bankruptcies or missed payments on that Credit Record?


So the Approval process is fairly straightforward – based on your current situation we submit you for eligibility. The only thing we need to check your eligibility is a recent Utility Bill. Then we will jump on a follow-up call to run you through what your new decreased bill looks like and line up installation.
Ultimately, Approval just means there’s no extra cost on your end to switch over. Does that make sense?

(Wait for their response)

Awesome! Well like I said I can’t promise anything, Some get approved, and some don’t, but we’ll do our best to get you approved and hopefully have some good news for you on that follow-up call.
Does that sound like a good goal?


Do you get your Utility Bill in the post or by email?
As soon as we get off this call you’ll receive an email and text with a link to upload a copy of that Utility Bill. When we receive that we’ll have results within a few hours.

Now looking at the schedule for that follow-up call, my schedule is full today, but I have a (Time) and a (Time) tomorrow. Which one would you like to grab?


And are you the only primary Energy user in the household or do you also have a spouse or parent living there?


For the sake of making sure this is done properly and we have all the necessary information, can you make sure they are there for the follow-up call as well for me?


Great, just to confirm, your exact address is…?

Okay, I’ve got you here, (on our Satellite Imagery) it looks like you’ve got a beautiful roof for solar!

And to confirm your email address is (email address) and this is the best number to contact you on?

Okay, so you and your partner are all set for that follow-up and hopefully good news at (Time) on (Day).
Again, you’ll receive a text and email, if you haven’t already, with a link to upload your Utility Bill so we can start working on your eligibility before our follow-up call tomorrow.
If we find you’re eligible we’ll just be showing you what your new decreased Energy Bill looks like, and if everything looks good, we’ll start the process for getting you swapped over.
Sound like a plan?

(Wait for response)

Fantastic that’s all from me – I’ve sent through that Email/Text with the upload link. As soon as you do that we’ll get working on your eligibility and I’ll give you guys the news at (Time) on (Day).

Did you have any other questions for me?

(Answer Questions/Objections and Cool Down)



Not Interested:
I completely understand how you feel, a few of the people in your neighborhood initially said that as well, but what they found was that through this program they didn’t actually have to pay anything out of pocket – so let me explain how this works… (Back in)

I Had Someone Out Before & Can’t Get It On My Roof:
How long ago was that? (Response)
Okay, so we actually use much more modern methods of installation. Some of your neighbors felt the same way, but what they found was that we can do Installations that previously weren’t possible which is really good news for people like yourself.

Can You Tell Me How Much This Would Cost:
If you get approved we won’t be needing any extra money from you. Because this is a government-subsidized program, any extra costs are covered.

I Can’t Afford It Right Now:
As long as you get approved, we don’t need any extra money from you – our program allows you to get installed without taking any money out of your pocket. (Explain again)
Can you just quickly confirm your address for me, please? (Confirm Address). Wonderful, now are you a morning or afternoon type of person? (Go for the close)

I’m Too Busy:
I completely understand it’s a very busy time of the year – with this current government-subsidized program, there’s actually no upfront cost or installation fee so of course everyone wants to get involved which makes us extremely busy as well…
I’m sure you’d agree that if could swap over to a lower power bill without taking any money out of your pocket that would be a good use of time right?

I Talked To My Husband/Wife – Not Interested:
I completely understand and that’s exactly why we’re coming around because with this campaign there’s actually no upfront cost or installation fees so people who originally couldn’t take advantage of solar can now look into it.
If we can’t find a solution for you then we’ll shake hands and move on to your neighbors as we actually have quite a few bookings in that area, but if we can find a solution for you that’s going to save you heaps of money I’m sure you’d be happy to at least looking into it, correct?

Looked Into It In The Past – Not For Me:
This program is very different from previous ones because it’s supported by Government subsidies.
All that happens, if you are eligible, is your electricity will come from renewable sources instead of the Power Grid.
That’s why it doesn’t cost you anything extra now because the Government wants to reward people for switching to Renewables like Solar.
If you do get approved, you simply swap over, your upfront solar install costs are covered, and you start saving money from day one. Does that make sense?

Why Do You Need My Credit Score:
We need your Credit Score because we are taking risks by covering your upfront costs, and so need to make sure we’re only installing for trustworthy people.