What are the 5M’s & 5P’s

“Good is the enemy of great. Proper preparation prevents poor productivity. The mind forgets, but the body remembers. The body reacts; the body does what is muscle memory.”

As I write this, I’ve got my coffee today. The reason I’ve got my coffee is because we’re talking about sales today, and I’ll be giving tips for sales professionals. And guess what? Coffee’s for closers. So let’s get started.

Lets talk about three things: the 5Ms, the 5Ps, and the 80/20 rule. You might be familiar with the 80/20 rule, but the 5Ms and 5Ps may be new to you.

The 5Ms
The 5Ms stand for “More Meetings Mean More Money.” It’s pretty simple, right? As a sales professional, you need to know what moves the needle. Understand the difference between activity and productivity. Many people stay busy but aren’t productive or successful. This applies to the gym as well—people can be busy doing nothing.

When I go to the gym, I focus on working out. I don’t talk to anyone; I’ve got my earphones on and get my workout done in 40 to 45 minutes. The point is, as a sales professional, more meetings mean more money. It’s simple: the more meetings you have, the more money you’ll make.

Identify ways to get in front of more people, whether you’re on the phone or a door-to-door salesperson. The more people you talk to, the better you’ll do.

The 5Ps
The 5Ps stand for “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Productivity.” You need to be prepared. Whether it’s a phone presentation, a homeowner meeting, or any sales scenario, knowing your presentation by heart is key. Practice is essential.

Many years ago when I first started in the business. We would practice our pitch for 30 minutes to an hour, getting prepared. Now, whether I’m selling electric contracts, a utility audit, solar or helping others, I follow the same process: I know my presentation inside and out. Preparation ensures you’re ready for any situation, including handling objections. Remember, the mind forgets, but the body remembers.

The 80/20 Rule
In any sales organization, 80% of the people do 20% of the production, while 20% of the people do 80% of the production. If you’re not where you want to be in your sales career, you should focus 80% of your time on money-making activities—prospecting, getting in front of people, and asking if they’re interested. Most people only do about 8 hours of productive work in a 40-50 hour workweek.

Winners look forward to Monday because we want to do business, get people to sign on the line, and close deals. Focus on what matters—prospecting to get more meetings (5Ms) and being prepared with the 5Ps.