The Commissions for Residential Supplier Electric and Natural gas are set by each Supplier and can change from time to time.
Although all Residential Deals are submitted through the front of the Pricing Platform at, the area to check what the payouts are by Supplier is listed in the Dashboard of the Pricing Platform (Commercial Pricing) at under Menu ☰ / Reports / Supplier Payment Structure. The footprint for residential electric and natural gas is much smaller than commercial and can be observed in the Dashboard of the Pricing Platform under Menu ☰ / Market Overview / Residential Market.
Residential Electric & Natural Gas Commissions
Commissions are calculated based on the prevailing Supplier payable amount and times – Agents, Brokers, and Agency Owners percentage split.
If a Supplier Pays $50
Agent Split of up to 30% = $15.00 plus any available monthly revenue.
Broker Split of up to 50% = $25.00 plus any available monthly revenue.
Agency Split of up to 70% = $35.00 plus any available monthly revenue.
Contract/Deal Status
Standard processing time is 7 to 10 business days for most Suppliers to verify each order.
Under the Status Colum in the TruPowur Backoffice is:
Pending or Request Price to Signed then Confirmed
You can check the Status of each deal by clicking on the Contract# in the TruPowur Backoffice Dashboard, then the Status Tab.
Payment Time
Although the payouts change from time to time, most Suppliers pay 3 months after connection.
This lag reduces the potential of a customer defaulting and the Agent, Broker, or Agency Owner being left with a Clawback.
TruPowur at its discretion may advance commissions for seasoned Agents, Brokers, or Agency Owners that have a long history of solid deals.
Deals that are Commissionable before the 1st of the month are paid the week of the 15th.
Deals that are Commissionable before the 15th of the month are paid the week of the 1st.